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Monday, 9 September 2013

How to control the Redirect URL after saving content in a Data Form View Control

To avoid closing of sharepoint designer edit form after saving/or to redirect to another url after saving of Sharepoint designer form.

Source Reference :-

  I have customized a Page Layout to include a custom Data Form View Web Part that will allow users to enter comments on a news story page in a publishing site.

I was having a difficult time because when I clicked the button to save the data to the list, everything saved correctly, but the control was redirecting me to the AllItems.aspx page of the list.  This wasn't the desired behavior since the end user would prefer to see that their comment was posted on the news story page and wouldn't know what the AllItems.aspx page was for.

The save button that was created in the XSL seciton of the web part was:

<SharePoint: SaveButton runat="server" ControlMode="New" id="savebutton1" />

Microsoft has documented a RedirectUrl property on this button that I figured could change what page was loaded after the user saved the form data.  However, try as I might I could not get it to work.Some more searching lead me to this article:

Which details how to create a "Form Action" for a save button rendered in the XSL of a DataFormWebPart.  This was a great article, but it doesn't detail the code that Sharepoint Designer outputs for this action.  After following the instructions, I discovered this code for a button:

<input type="button" value="Save" name="btnSave" onclick="javascript: {ddwrt:GenFireServerEvent('__commit;__redirect={}')}" />

When used instead of my SharePoint: SaveButton above, the form saved it's data correctly, and the current page that the form was submitted from was reloaded for the user.

You could also put any URL in the __redirect={} that you want, for example __redirect={} or __redirect={/news/PressReleases/}

Notice that there are no quotes around the URLs passed into the __redirect directive.

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